Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blog Post 3: Color Theory Evaluation + Talking About Composition

Part 1:


I choose the three pictures. My absolute favorite from this color theory homework was chosen by myself as well as the group so that's why I only have three in this blog post.   The first picture I choose was the one with the rabbit with the red bandana. The reason why I like this picture and chose it for my blog post was because how the rabbit makes the red on the bandana pop and even though the rabbit, I feel, is interesting subject matter, my eye goes to the red first which was the main concept of this project. Also everything I wanted in the picture was in focus, the rabbit and the bandana.  The next picture of the flowers was chosen by the group. I also really like this picture when I am looking at a lot less photos and able to isolate it and go away from all of the red. The reason why I did not choose this one in my top 3 is because I believe there was just too much red and it was overwhelming at the time. Now that it is isolated I do enjoy the picture a lot more and appreciate the photo. I like how detailed the flower is and you can see a lot more texture on the flower then you usually would just looking at the flower and I really love when a photographer is able to take a simple thing like a flower and enhance its beauty. The last picture myself and the group chose as a top three. What I really like about this picture is the simplicity of it. I took an everyday object that I feel is usually overlooked and made it the center of my photograph. Not only can you see the detail of the crayon but also the stone that the crayon is on which allows my eyes to easily move from the bottom of the crayon to the top. 

Part 2:

Out of the three pictures posted this one was my favorite right away, I was drawn to it and it would take a really strong argument to lead me away from this picture. One of the big reasons why I chose this picture is because I love nature and pictures of nature. It really speaks to me and personally I feel like people have as much appreciation of our earth as I do.  Onto the composition and why I like it from an artistic point of view. First off, my eye goes right to the billboard. I find it humorous that there is a mountain billboard because it the background there is actual mountains but that what drew me into it the most I think. The billboard is not right in the center which allows there to be more things surrounding the the billboard which really gives you the feel of openness. There is also a lot of leading lines in the pictures which allows your eye to freely move though the photograph without getting lost in the image. 
The colors of this image are captured perfectly and how he decided to take the picture works really well. Colors: the colors are different but they are all dull blues, greens, whites and browns which allows the picture to flow nicely and your eye is not stopped at one overly bearing color that could of been in the photograph. I also like how he decided to keep everything in the picture clear. Going back up to what I said perviously, by allowing the whole photo to be crisp it allows one to appreciate nature and the mountains in the background and how beautiful this land is. It also allows the photo to be more open and like the leading lines it gives the fewer a sense of space and that they are not just stuck at one spot of the photo. Overall it was a very well shot photograph that allows the viewer to easily move throughout the photograph and for a nerd like me also appreciate nature and how beautiful this planet is!

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